Credentials That Work
Credentials That Work Aligning career training with employer demand by using innovations in labor market information technology to preparing community college students for high-demand jobs. Related Content
January 6, 2015
*Success in Real-Time: Using Real-Time Labor Market Information to Build Better Middle-Skill STEM Pathways* encourages state support as colleges use high-quality, real-time data to align the creation of middle-skill STEM pathways.
Credentials That Work Aligning career training with employer demand by using innovations in labor market information technology to preparing community college students for high-demand jobs. Related Content
JFF assists community colleges across the US in boosting the success rates of education and training programs for low-skilled adults. JFF assists community colleges across the US in boosting the success rates of education and…
Reforming math in Florida, ensuring equity in Washington, boosting student support in Michigan, partnering with the workforce system in New Jersey—JFF’s renowned network advances policies and practices that help all students attain high-value credentials. Reforming…
The Leadership Academy connects and supports a network of community leaders, building an understanding of future work and learning trends, and creating opportunities for reflection and design of whole-community strategies that best prepare young residents…
This select group of education leaders lets experience be their guide in developing state and federal policies that help students attain credentials for greater success in the labor market. In 2015, JFF established The Policy…