This Moment Is Ready for a New Generation of Career Navigation Technology
October 7, 2020JFF’s Lexi Barrett on the “The Key With Inside Higher Ed”
October 7, 2020JFF Senior Advisor Nancy Hoffman in “Colleges Have an Ethical Responsibility to Prepare All Students for the World of Work”
October 7, 2020Equitable Pathways Hypotheses Spotlights
The Building Equitable Pathways hypotheses guide the development of pathways that equitably support all young people, especially youth of color and youth who are experiencing poverty, in building rewarding and successful futures. Learn what the…
Hypothesis: Alignment with Labor Market Demands
Note: In the first year of this initiative, the Building Equitable Pathways intermediaries prioritized designing pathways aligned with labor market demand. Thus, we include four examples here, while there are fewer spotlights for other hypotheses…
Hypothesis: Postsecondary Partnerships
Effective and equitable career pathways start at the secondary level and continue through higher education so that students earn certificates, credentials, and degrees that have value in their local labor market. Intermediaries work with postsecondary…
Hypothesis: Sustainability
Click on the icons below to learn about the other five hypotheses and read spotlights that illustrate how the Building Equitable Pathways partners took on this work. The spotlights are intended to show theory in…
Hypothesis: Employer Partnerships
Click on the icons below to learn about the other five hypotheses and read spotlights that illustrate how the Building Equitable Pathways partners took on this work. The spotlights are intended to show theory in…