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1908 results

David Newsome


David Newsome is a director in the Employer Mobilization practice at JFF. He helps design and implement programs to advance employers’ skills-based talent practices that improve business outcomes while enabling equitable economic advancement for workers.…

Tony Landis


Tony Landis is a director in Solutions Design & Delivery at JFF. He supports state and regional leaders in K-12, higher education, career and technical education, and the workforce in developing career pathways and providing…


Tipping the Scale

This brief shares learnings from the community of LEAP organizations and partners as they continue to deepen their practices to enhance the positive impact and durability of programming while also scaling to reach greater numbers…

May 8, 2023

Amy Seusing

Chief Development Officer

Amy Seusing is chief development officer at JFF. She leads the development team and strategy to diversify revenue through government grants, foundation and corporate partners, and individual support, creating high-impact partnerships for the communities JFF…


Embedding Career Learning Across the Curriculum

How can two-year colleges ensure that all students can access quality career navigation opportunities that inform their studies and position them for meaningful, family-sustaining work? That is the challenge being addressed at Boston’s Bunker Hill…

May 8, 2023

Transforming systems for the workforce of the future - Jobs for the Future (JFF)

Empowering the next generation to chart their own course after high school. Millions of people are unfairly shut out of quality jobs and the chance for a better life. To eliminate barriers to economic advancement,…

April 27, 2023