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State Policy Framework for Building Equitable Pathways

This tool was co-created with input from Building Equitable Pathways Community of Practice members, to support their own and others’ policy work. Related Content

November 7, 2022

What Can CBOs Teach Us About Achieving Equity in Workforce Development?

A group of community-based organizations in the Inland Empire are on a mission to shift the narrative about what it takes to do workforce development in a way that centers equity. These leaders have proposed…

November 4, 2022

Dive Deeper into the DRAW Landscape Scan

A brief look at six reports and accompanying resources that offer deeper dives into the findings of the Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW) landscape scan.   Introduction Jobs for the Future (JFF) and World…

October 27, 2022

College Board and JFF Unite With a Mission to Foster Informed Career Exploration

There are no ‘right’ steps after high school, but there are ‘responsible’ steps.

October 26, 2022

Student Success Center Network Coaching Program: Facilitating Institutional Transformation

Coaches are trusted advisors, information conduits, sounding boards, and advocates who facilitate institutional change. This report summarizes findings from the first five years of the Student Success Center Network’s Coaching Program, focusing particularly on the…

October 24, 2022

Embedding Equity in Your Registered Apprenticeship: Strategies to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in RA

This National Apprenticeship Week, join JFF’s conversation with a Registered Apprenticeship employer, a community partner, and an apprentice to learn about the journey of implementing DEIA practices in Registered Apprenticeship.

October 24, 2022