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1913 results

How Tools Support Coaches and Student Success Center Coaching Programs

The Student Success Center Network (SSCN) Coaching Program expands institutional coaching as a capacity-building strategy for driving state-and institution-level college transformation efforts. Institutional coaches are trusted advisors who help facilitate change conversations, share resources and…

September 21, 2022

Lone Star STEM

Lone Star STEM supports the implementation of college and career pathways in computer science and cybersecurity to develop a diverse talent pipeline of future tech workers. Lone Star STEM supports the implementation of college and…

September 16, 2022

Back to School, Back to Startups: Supporting Youth Apprenticeship, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development

This Sept. 15 testimony by JFF senior director Deborah Kobes to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Businesses Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development outlines the value of youth apprenticeship for small…

September 15, 2022

Modernizing Career Navigation in the United States

To help all students and jobseekers better navigate the rapidly changing job market and make informed choices about their educational and career paths, the United States must make systemic reforms and strategic investments in career…

September 15, 2022