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1913 results

Education Quality Outcomes Standards (EQOS)

The EQOS Quality Assurance Framework helps learners and workers, education institutions and postsecondary training providers, private investors, governments, and others identify high-quality opportunities that lead to equitable economic advancement. Introduction Education Quality Outcomes Standards (EQOS),…

June 3, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions About Group Sponsors’ Obligations Under the Apprenticeship Equal Employment Opportunity Regulations

In a group sponsorship, apprentices work for participating employers rather than for the sponsor itself. These FAQs address a group sponsor’s obligations to ensure that its apprenticeship program complies with equal employment opportunity regulations. Some…

June 1, 2022

Cluster-Based, Inclusive Regional Economic Development

Cluster-based economic development can be an effective strategy for regions to generate economic growth that benefits all residents, provided that equity and inclusion are at the center of the approach. JFF explores an emerging case…

May 27, 2022
Case Study

Expanding Apprenticeship to Human Resources with JFF, SHRM Partnership

One of the first national HR apprenticeship programs is underway, thanks to support from DOL , JFF, and a strong industry sponsor. Connecting workers to high-growth careers is a foundation of Registered Apprenticeship, and the…

May 26, 2022