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1913 results

High Road Training Fund

About the CWDB The overarching goal of California’s Workforce Development Board is the reorientation and realignment of California’s workforce programs and institutions to help build a dynamic and globally successful state economy that offers residents…

May 6, 2022

Getting Serious: Apprenticeship Equity Solutions for Employers and Sponsors

JFF’s National Innovation Hub for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility hosted this first-of-its-kind, two-day virtual summit in May 2022. Hear from employers across the country on how they’re using the earn-and-learn model of apprenticeship to…

May 5, 2022

Eugene So

Managing Director

Eugene So is a managing director in Lifelong Learning, an incubated practice in JFFLabs. He works to drive the vision and strategy to incubate and build solutions that create innovative connections between new models of…


American Association of Community Colleges 2022 Annual Conference: Reaching New Traditional Learners Through Guided Career Pathways

Community colleges are making dramatic shifts in response to new demands – from the economy, community, and learners. In the upcoming American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) 2022 Annual Conference, Jobs for the Future and…

April 29, 2022