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1932 results

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Leadership and Policy

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Leadership and Policy What Role Partners Play Policymakers and secondary, postsecondary, and workforce system leaders collaborate to remove policy barriers and implement policy solutions. Stakeholders from all sectors support the effective…

October 20, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Intermediaries

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Intermediaries What Role Partners Play Intermediaries connect and convene regional teams of cross-sector stakeholders and provide leadership to help them develop a shared vision and goals for pathways. They also guide…

October 20, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Secondary-Postsecondary Integration

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Secondary-Postsecondary Integration What Roles Partners Play Secondary and postsecondary educators collaborate on designing career pathways that incorporate dual enrollment opportunities and equip students with skills and knowledge that are in demand…

October 20, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Work-Based Learning

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Work-Based Learning JFF’s Work-Based Learning Framework What Role Partners Play Secondary and postsecondary educators, employers, and intermediaries collaboratively design a continuum of work-based learning experiences and arrange for students to be…

October 19, 2021

Youth Apprenticeship: A Vision for the Future, a Plan for Today

Join us during National Apprenticeship Week to discuss the promise of apprenticeship for in-school and out-of-school youth.

October 17, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Framework

Pathways to Prosperity Framework JFF’s Pathways to Prosperity Network is boldly reimagining how U.S. education and workforce systems meet state and regional talent needs and prepare young people for careers. The Pathways to Prosperity Framework…

October 15, 2021

Request for Applications for Tennessee SySTEM Grant

Request for Applications for Tennessee SySTEM Grant JFF, in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Education, is pleased to announce an exciting new funding opportunity for Tennessee high schools, higher education institutions, and employer partners…

October 15, 2021