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1914 results
Impact Story

Worker-Led Solutions to Improve Job Quality

The United States needs more quality jobs, but worker voices are rarely included in the search for solutions. JFF is partnering with worker-owned cooperative Turning Basin Labs to chart an alternative path for economic growth…

September 14, 2021

How to Register an Apprenticeship Program

Complete your Standards of Apprenticeship—an essential part of registering an apprenticeship program—with this training course. Complete your Standards of Apprenticeship—an essential part of registering an apprenticeship program—with this training course. Trouble accessing? Learn how to…

September 14, 2021

JFF's Online Learning Experience: Login

JFF's Online Learning Experience: Login If you have an existing Canvas account not with JFF: We apologize for the inconvenience, but Canvas requires a new login. You can create one when you click to enroll…

September 13, 2021

The Build Back Better Act Is Critical to Workforce Development and College Success

The House Education and Labor Committee’s proposed bill recognizes the need for robust investment in our nation’s workforce system as well as significant resources for college access and success. JFF urges Congress to advance this…

September 9, 2021