JFFLabs is the Jobs for the Future innovation lab—we catalyze new ways to achieve our mission at JFF and with our partners. JFFLabs is the Jobs for the Future innovation lab—we catalyze new ways to…
August 15, 2019
Approximately 36 million American workers lack the basic literacy, numeracy, and digital skills needed to thrive in today’s workforce. Many of these workers are employed in low-wage jobs and face limited career potential. SkillRise seeks to change this.
An initiative of the International Society for Technology in Education, SkillRise seeks to bring together best practices from the fields of workforce development, adult basic education, and educational technology to help adult-learning organizations upskill workers for the careers of today and tomorrow. This effort produces resources that support the planning, implementation, and sustainability of edtech solutions that prepare workers for future careers.
SkillRise is part of a collaboration among diverse organizations that seek to empower adult learning advocates with digital tools. The framework was informed by a Technology Advisory Group that includes:
JFFLabs is the Jobs for the Future innovation lab—we catalyze new ways to achieve our mission at JFF and with our partners. JFFLabs is the Jobs for the Future innovation lab—we catalyze new ways to…
Workforce boards support 15 million Americans each year. JFF provides insights and advice to workforce leaders as they navigate change. The future of work is now, and many workforce boards are aggressively pursuing greater efficiency,…