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#BuildwithJFF Social Ambassador Program

April 13, 2020

Jobs for the Future

Welcome to the #BuildwithJFF Social Ambassador Program

JFF invites you to help raise our collective profiles on key social channels by becoming a Social Media Ambassador. We are Stronger Together when we speak with one voice to amplify our message and ensure that our common mission – to drive change in American workforce and education systems to promote economic advancement for all – resonates clearly and powerfully.

Who can be a Social Media Ambassador

You can! If you are affiliated with JFF or passionate about promoting economic advancement issues, we welcome you to add your voice to #BuildwithJFF.

What is a Social Media Ambassador

As a #BuildwithJFF Ambassador, we’ll ask you to:

  • Follow JFF on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
  • Post at least once a week on LinkedIn and/or Twitter (we’ll email you weekly with scripted posts you can copy and paste – see the sample schedule below)
  • Tag the ambassador program: We’ll use #BuildwithJFF as a hashtag for all ambassador posts to help us measure our collective impact
  • Use JFF hashtags when we encourage you to do so – for instance, use #JFFHorizons to promote Horizons.
  • Use the provided links which will help us track visits back to the JFF site

Example of a Weekly Posting Schedule (Ambassadors will receive weekly updates emailed to them)

  • Week 1: Share Working Nation article with focus on opportunity for digital credentialing to up/reskill workers
  • Week 2: Share the news that #JFFHorizons is going virtual with a link to the Horizons site to sign up for more information
  • Week 3: Share the post that job centers need to go virtual