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136 results

Vanessa Bennett


Vanessa Bennett is a director at the Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning at JFF. She works to drive equity, inclusion, and access to the workforce for workers and learners from underrepresented populations through policy and…

Sarah Hooker Bentley


Sarah Hooker Bentley is a director in Solutions Design & Delivery at JFF. She works to improve systems alignment and close equity gaps for populations facing structural barriers in our education and workforce systems. She leads technical assistance teams facilitating…

Sarah Abra Beu

Senior Analyst

Sarah Abra Beu is a senior analyst in the Research, Evaluation & Analytics unit at JFF. She leads evaluation projects in collaboration with a range of clients seeking to improve career pathways for all learners.…

Molly Blankenship   


Molly Blankenship is a director in Solutions Design & Delivery at JFF. She leads a diverse portfolio of projects dedicated to fostering equitable economic advancement for all, with a current focus on enhancing job quality and…

David Bradley

Senior Director

David Bradley is a senior director in the Policy & Advocacy practice at JFF. He works with policy leaders and practitioners to identify workforce development best practices. His responsibilities include designing and planning activities of…

Tameshia Bridges Mansfield

Vice President

Tameshia Bridges Mansfield is vice president of the Workforce & Regional Economies practice at JFF. She leads work focused on advancing transformative and equitable systems change solutions in workforce and economic development. She does this with…

Veronica Buckwalter


Veronica Buckwalter is a director in Solutions Design & Delivery at JFF. She helps organizations build systems and infrastructures that propel working adults, dislocated workers, and individuals with barriers to education and employment toward high-quality…

Charlotte Cahill

Associate Vice President

Charlotte Cahill is an associate vice president in the Education practice at JFF, where she provides strategic leadership across multiple projects and major initiatives, including Pathways to Prosperity. She collaborates with state and regional leaders…