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136 results

Rob Grimmett

Senior Director

Rob Grimmett is a senior director on the Marketing & Communications team at JFF.

Kyle Hartung

Associate Vice President

Kyle Hartung is an associate vice president in the Education practice at JFF. He works with leaders and organizations to design, strengthen, and scale solutions to reimagine the ways in which people experience and move…

Stephanie Hawkins  

Senior Director 

Stephanie Hawkins is senior director of contracts at JFF. She provides strategic support to JFF’s centers and practices as they develop key partnerships with businesses, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations, in addition to overseeing the…

Alex Hoffinger

Associate Vice President

Alex Hoffinger is associate vice president of grants and development at JFF. He collaborates with senior and project staff to conceptualize and create initiatives and prepare associated funding proposals. He works across departments to support…

Nancy Hoffman

Senior Advisor

Nancy Hoffman is a senior advisor and cofounder of Pathways to Prosperity at JFF. She supports states, regions, and cities in efforts to build or improve pathways from high school to a first marketable postsecondary…

Jen Horton

Senior Director

Jen Horton is a senior director in the Workforce & Regional Economies practice at JFF. She oversees federal and state funding opportunities supporting strong regional economies that expand access to quality jobs. Her skills and…

Tiffany Hsieh


Tiffany Hsieh is director of innovation programs in the Incubation practice at JFFLabs and is responsible for strategy and operations for the launch of the Center for Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Work. She…

Nate Humphrey  


Nate Humphrey is a director in Solutions Design & Delivery at JFF. He leads and oversees the development and implementation of large-scale national communities of practice related to the workforce and regional economies, offering technical…

Courtney Huynh

Senior Manager