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Select Experts Andrea Juncos she/her Senior Director

Andrea Juncos is a senior director in the Center for Racial Economic Equity at JFF. She leads research and advisory services focused on accelerating economic advancement for Black learners and workers in the United States.

Juncos’s responsibilities include working with partners across education and workforce systems to identify and scale strategies for disrupting occupational segregation and eradicating the Black-white wealth gap.

Her skills and areas of expertise include:

  • Service design and delivery
  • Strategic planning and partnerships
  • Network strategy and leadership
  • Communications
  • Youth mentoring

Before joining JFF, Juncos was director of communications at New York Law School, where she was chief writer and editor.

Educational background:

  • Bachelor’s degree in education and English literature, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
  • Master’s degree in education policy and management, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Contact info andreajuncos