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Executive Leadership Daphne Layton she/her Executive Vice President

Daphne Layton is the executive vice president at JFF. She supports the evolution of JFF by driving the implementation of organizational design, coordinating internal communications, fostering collaboration among executive leaders, bridging gaps in executive leadership, and serving as a strategic thought partner and advisor to the CEO. 

Her skills and areas of expertise include: 

  • Strategy and planning 
  • Growth and change management 
  • New program development 
  • Institutional advancement 
  • Building organizational capacity 

Daphne previously served as a senior vice president at JFF, with broad oversight of programs and development. Before joining JFF, she spent 15 years leading academic administration and the development team at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she launched new innovative programs, implemented organizational change initiatives, and fundraised. 

Educational background:  

  • Bachelor’s degree in music, Yale University 
  • Doctoral degree in education, Harvard Graduate School of Education