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Select Experts Eshwar Eswaran he/Him Director

Eshwar Eswaran is a director in the Incubation practice at JFFLabs. He leads the emerging product incubation vertical to cultivate disruptive new technology-driven ideas, with the goal of transforming them into scalable, marketable products and solutions that benefit learners and workers.

 His skills and areas of expertise include:

  • Product incubation and development
  • Data strategy and enablement
  • Impact measurement and metrics
  • Leadership and coalition-building
  • Data-driven impact

Before joining JFF, Eswaran helped lead data collection capacity-building projects, establish a new data governance framework, and modernize the data life cycles of key data products at the International Monetary Fund.

Educational background:

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science and master’s degree in computer applications, University of Madras, India
  • MBA, George Washington University School of Business
Contact info eshwareswaran