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Select Experts Kathryn Jo Mannes  Senior Advisor 

Kathryn Jo Mannes is a senior advisor at JFF. She identifies educational and employment needs and creates solutions for impact and scale. As a dot connector, she builds and promotes partnerships to reimagine equitable opportunities that benefit companies, communities, and individuals.

Her skills and areas of expertise include:

  • Workforce development and talent solutions
  • Business engagement and leadership
  • Community college connections
  • Fundraising
  • Industry competencies, program design, and credentialing

Before joining JFF, Mannes worked at the U.S. Department of Labor, where she launched the Center for Workforce and Industry Partnerships, and oversaw workforce development at the American Association of Community Colleges and the National Retail Federation.

Educational background:

  • Bachelor’s degree in English and creative writing, Brown University
  • Master’s degree in education, Tufts University
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