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Select Experts Lois Joy Director

Lois Joy is a director in the Research, Evaluation & Analytics unit at JFF. She leads projects investigating education and workforce pathways and opportunities for people from underrepresented groups in high-opportunity fields, including Black learners and workers and women of all racial backgrounds.

Her skills and expertise include:

  • Gender and racial differences in education and labor market participation and outcomes
  • Large-scale data analysis
  • Mixed-methods approaches to research
  • Survey development and analysis
  • Policy, education, and workplace solutions to structural barriers to advancement for Black learners and workers and women of all racial backgrounds

Before joining JFF, Joy served as a principal investigator for National Science Foundation-sponsored research on pathways into community college STEM programs for women at the Education Development Center in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Educational background:

  • PhD in economics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Contact info loisjoy