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Select Experts Veronica Buckwalter Director

Veronica Buckwalter is a director in Solutions Design & Delivery at JFF. She helps organizations build systems and infrastructures that propel working adults, dislocated workers, and individuals with barriers to education and employment toward high-quality jobs that pay a living wage.

Her skills and areas of expertise include:

  • Noncredit-to-credit and career pathways
  • Local and state workforce development systems
  • Sector partnerships
  • Research design and evaluation
  • Design and implementation of training and employment programs

Before joining JFF, Buckwalter was director of the Center for Industry Research & Workforce Alignment at Delaware Technical Community College, where she helped ensure college programs reflected regional industries’ labor needs.

Educational background:

  • Bachelor’s degree in political science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Master’s degree in public administration, Penn State University