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Strengths-Based Assessments Create Bias-Free Hiring

June 16, 2020

At a Glance

Replacing traditional hiring approaches with a blended strengths-based assessments model helps companies to level the playing field for all candidates.

Steve Yadzinski Chief Strategy & Impact Officer

These different ways of evaluating people, some of the traditional bias and the traditional barriers that exist simply fall away.

Strengths-Based Assessments Create Bias-Free Hiring
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Today millions of workers face the bias tradition of pedigree based hiring. This practice of making recruiting decisions based primarily on the schools candidates attended, the subjects they studied, and the grades they earned is ubiquitous in our post-COVID economy.

Replacing traditional hiring approaches with a blended strengths-based assessments model helps companies to level the playing field for all candidates. In a story on Medium, JFFLabs featured Cappfinity as a global leader in strengths-based hiring. The company designs and builds bias-free assessments for a variety of roles, functions, and seniority levels using real-life scenarios and a mix of mediums to create an authentic and unique experience for candidates. Among other things, bias-free, algorithmic assessments can help employers meet their diversity and inclusion goals by enabling them to look past candidates’ backgrounds and instead focus on their ability, fit, and potential.

At Horizons, JFF’s flagship event, Cappfinity was featured in a video about how the company is using strengths-based assessments with employers and workers alike in today’s uncertain labor market.

Alex Linley and Nicky Garcea, co-founders of Cappfinity, joined JFFLabs acting general manager Stephen Yadzinski in a conversation about building bias-free assessments.

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