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Three Key Lessons about Pay for Success in Career and Tech Ed

August 7, 2019

At a Glance

JFF and our partner, Social Finance, are excited to announce a national Pay for Success competition to expand career and technical education opportunities for youth from historically underserved populations.

JFF and Social Finance launch a national competition to explore how Pay for Success can expand CTE programs in K-12 education.

Three Key Lessons about Pay for Success in Career and Tech Ed

JFF and Social Finance have launched the second round of a national competition to explore how Pay for Success can help expand evidence-based career and technical education programs in K-12 education. For information on how to apply, click here.

This work is supported through a grant from the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education at the U.S. Department of Education.

During the first round of the Catalyzing Career and Technical Education competition in 2017, Social Finance and JFF selected four sites based on the strength of their program offerings, partnerships, and capacity to scale.

Read the full piece on Medium to find out what we learned about Pay for Success and CTE and how it will inform this second round of the national competition.

Read the full post on Medium
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