“Why I Apprentice” National Video Competition
January 31, 2020
Why do you apprentice?
If you can answer that question in less than a minute, you could win $1,000 and a trip to New Orleans!
Wait. What?
You heard right. We’re holding a national video competition for youth apprentices called “Why I Apprentice.” We’re inviting contestants to tell us how being an apprentice has helped them—what they’ve learned, how they’ve grown, how much fun they’ve had—in videos of no longer than 60 seconds.
And . . . what’s the catch? There’s always a catch.
No catch. We just want to spread the word about apprenticeships to other young people. And who better to help us do that than people like you who are apprentices right now?
Create a video that tells people what apprenticeships have to offer—how being an apprentice can teach you things you’d never learn in school and help you build skills that will put you first in line when you’re looking for a job.
The winner receives $1,000! And we’ll bring you and a plus one to JFF’s Horizons conference in New Orleans on June 10, where your video will be shown to a nationwide audience of more than 1,000 educators, training experts, and employers.
Second place will win $500, and third place will win $250!
Any advice?
You know best. Tell a story. Be creative. Be yourself. Act like you’re talking to your friends and classmates. And you will be. But you’ll also be talking to teens all over the country. The top videos will go on YouTube, and people everywhere will be able to watch them. We’ll judge them based on effectiveness, creativity, and production quality.(See the judging rubric for details!)
Who’s eligible?
If you’re between the ages of 16 and 21 and are participating in a Registered Apprenticeship program, you’re eligible to enter!
OK. Sounds good. How do I enter?
- Create your video.
- Have everyone fill out a release form.
- Submit your MP4 and the release forms at the Dropbox link.
- Fill out the official entry form. Done!
Use the form on the “Ask a Question” page to submit a question, and we’ll get back to you!