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132 results

David Altstadt


David Altstadt is a director in the Policy & Advocacy practice at JFF. He develops nonpartisan policy solutions and cultivates partnerships with policymakers, practitioners, and advocates to influence the direction of national and state policies…

Marty Alvarado

Vice President

Marty Alvarado is vice president of postsecondary education and training in the Education practice at JFF. She helps shape strategic direction and spearheads initiatives that create meaningful impact in the education and workforce landscape. Her…

Jennifer Anderson

Vice President

Jennifer Anderson is vice president of people and culture at JFF. She works to ensure that JFF attracts, develops, and retains the talent we need to transform the U.S. workforce and education systems. She focuses…

Adam Atwell

Senior Analyst 

Adam Atwell is a senior analyst in the Research, Evaluation & Analytics unit at JFF. He conducts research and evaluation activities, informing practices and policies that promote economic advancement for young people and adults. His…

Jordan Baah-Sackey


Jordan Baah-Sackey is a manager in Solutions Design & Delivery at JFF. She focuses on implementing change within education systems by engaging high schools, higher education, and cross-sector partners to develop innovative pathways that directly…

Debra Baird

Executive Assistant

Megha Bansal Rizoli

Senior Director   

Megha Bansal Rizoli is a senior director in the Employer Mobilization practice at JFF. She drives strategy and thought leadership on the role that private-sector employers and institutions play in creating equitable economic advancement and…

Ray Barbosa

Senior Analyst  

Ray Barbosa is a senior analyst in the Research, Evaluation & Analytics unit at JFF. He identifies opportunities for workers to attain quality jobs and focuses on those that pay a living wage and have…

Vanessa Bennett


Vanessa Bennett is a director at the Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning at JFF. She works to drive equity, inclusion, and access to the workforce for workers and learners from underrepresented populations through policy and…